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My Fellow Menstrual Constituents,

What a rollercoaster of a month October has been right? Cheering for the Springboks (South African rugby team that recently won the World Cup) had its highs and lows, but nothing prepared me for being tagged as the ‘Menstrual Andrew Tate‘ on the wild terrain of X (formerly Twitter). Let’s park that interesting tidbit for a moment and dive into a conversation that is worth having…

Let’s set the stage here: the spark for this curious comparison ignited on X… The original post that triggered this unexpected conversation among menstruators caught my attention (see image below). It’s a conversation worth delving into, and here’s where we begin. Now, I won’t dwell on the whole ‘Menstrual Andrew Tate’ episode because, frankly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. Instead, let’s pivot to something way more important—the danger of brushing off our periods as unnatural. Spoiler alert: they’re not. Our periods are a monthly event that results in the shedding of the uterine lining. It’s as natural as breathing.

When we dismiss our periods as unnatural, we risk perpetuating harmful narratives that contribute to the stigmatization of menstruation. This, in turn, creates an environment where open conversations about reproductive health become taboo. Understanding and accepting the natural rhythm of our bodies is not just empowering; it’s a step toward normalizing discussions around menstruation.

Furthermore, insisting that EVERYONE should do away with their periods through the universal solution of birth control oversimplifies a complex and personal decision. Birth control is a valuable tool, but its use should be driven by informed choices and individual needs. Each of us is UNIQUE, and our bodies respond differently. The decision to use birth control should be a collaborative one, made with a trusted healthcare professional who considers our individual health and well-being.

But here’s the tea—we can’t go around telling every menstruator to ditch their periods and hop on the birth control train. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The decision to use birth control should be a personal one, a call made by a trusted medical professional who knows the lay of YOUR land.

Now, let’s all agree on something: period symptoms should not be putting us out of commission. If they are, it’s not a ‘tough it out’ situation; it’s a ‘get yourself to a doc’ situation. Seriously, don’t think twice about it. And if you happen to land a dismissive gynecologist, don’t be shy to kick them to the curb. Seek out recommendations from your inner cycle squad—those family and friends who’ve got your back. And if you feel you can’t ask them, I hear there’s a helpful Minister of Menstruation who is just a DM away *wink wink, nudge nudge*.

Our periods? Totally normal. Debilitating symptoms? Not part of the deal.

So, here’s to embracing our periods, breaking down stigmas, and looking out for each other.

Yours in Period Positive Solidarity,

‘Totally not the Menstrual Andrew Tate’

Minister of Menstruation

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