by The Minister of Menstruation | Jul 10, 2024 | Wisdom
Imagine you are in a wheelchair and need to change your menstrual pad in a public restroom. The restroom is not wheelchair accessible, and you cannot reach the disposal bin or the sink without assistance. How would this make you feel? Imagine you are blind and trying...
by The Minister of Menstruation | Nov 1, 2023 | Wisdom
My Fellow Menstrual Constituents, What a rollercoaster of a month October has been right? Cheering for the Springboks (South African rugby team that recently won the World Cup) had its highs and lows, but nothing prepared me for being tagged as the ‘Menstrual...
by The Minister of Menstruation | Oct 10, 2023 | Wisdom
My Fellow Menstrual Constituents, Now, I am usually meant to be posting a blog piece once a month (just like our periods), but there was something I came across this past weekend that brought me back to my keyboard much sooner. Like any other millennial, I got trapped...